Comme je vous l’indique dans mon test de Dota 2, je ne souhaite pas rentrer dans la gué-guerre League of Legends c’est mieux que Dota 2 ou Dota 2 meilleur que LoL, je ne vais ici que lister les différences entre Dota 2 et League of Legends. DotA 2 vs. League of Legends MOBAs (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) dominate the eSports scene, specifically DotA 2 and League of Legends . - Dans Dota 2 tu peux acheter un courrier, c'est un petit poney qui t'emmène lui même les objets depuis le spawn jusqua ta ligne. League of Legends est la référence du moment alors que Dota 2 devrait bientôt passer définitivement en free-to-play. I thought it was pretty fun, but eventually I ran out of time to play it, so it's been sitting on my desktop collecting dust (metaphorically). Dota2 è nettamente + lento, a livello di farm e di engage, imho sono 2 giochi completamente diversi, come paragonare counter-strike a call of duty, sono 2 fps ma sono completaente diversi come approccio e stile di gioco but from what i've seen (a dota 2 baised view) is that dota 2 is better in general. Recently a friend of mine has been telling me to get Dota 2, though. - Dans Dota 2, le flash et les teleports sont des objets qui s'achètent. Dota 2 ist für die Pros, LoL für die Casual Gamer. I wondering how har now this may be a stupid question and you mat either say "it obviously league" or the exact opposite. Each game has its own rabid fanbase , whilst having a handful of sane and rational players that dont bash around the other. L’état des lieux. Trolls have more rights in this game than those who tries hard to win and other problems plagues this game. - Dans League of Legends, tu peux back jusqua la base, sur Dota 2, tu marches jusqua la base. Finally yesterday I uninstalled this game so now I am curious if I should give a shot for Dota 2. I've only ever played League of Legends. League and Dota 2 both possess radically different models (despite being of the same genre) and its inherently nefarious to compare certain aspects of each. I've never seen a play-through of it, but I'm told it's very similar (and supposedly superior) to LoL. Josh was our resident League of Legends authority when he was here, so he's arguing on its behalf, while T.J. stands up for Dota 2. For anyone who played both games. now this may be a stupid question and you mat either say "it obviously league" or the exact opposite. Ja da könnt ihr soviel Downvoten wie ihr wollt, obs euch passt oder net, es ist einfach so und daran ist auch nichts verkehrt. but from what i've seen (a dota 2 baised view) is that dota 2 is better in general. Dota 2 vs League of Legends: $148,837,362.47 difference in prize money, detailed side-by-side comparison of prize pools, tournaments, players and countries. Gioco a dota 2 con amici, le differenze sono grosse, partendo dalla mappa e finendo con i vari shop. Hi Leute ich spiele seit 2 monaten Dota 2 und es ist der hammer aber leider spielen meine freunde nur LoL und deswegen wolte ich euch fragen soll ich bei Dota 2 bleiben oder auf League of Legends … from what i see dota 2 is more balanced (91% of heroes were picked at ti7 compared to 51 from 2016 from what i see dota 2 is more balanced (91% of heroes were picked at ti7 compared to 51 from 2016 LoL's match making gives me a cancer. Both have the target of reaching and destroying the enemy base using five characters on each side to battle it out.